Easy-to-use templates and revenue-generating strategies for online businesses

Mockup of all the elements in the Co-op membership on phone, tablet, and computer screens

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Trusted by 15,000+ Small Business Owners and Creatives Just Like You

Boss Project featured in Forbes
Boss Project featured in Marie Claire.
Boss Project featured in Inc.
Boss Project featured in HuffPost.
Boss Project featured in Forbes Boss Project featured in Marie Claire.
Boss Project featured in Inc. Boss Project featured in HuffPost.

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the tools you need

Creative Templates for Small Business

the strategy you want

Courses for Growing Revenue

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about us

Boss Project is the mastermind behind Creative Template Shop. We’re a Forbes-featured education company & award-winning design agency. 

Our team has brought together decades of business consulting and professional design experience to create the ultimate set of tools & strategies for online business owners.

Real Results

“We’ve seen a 21% increase in sales conversions since we started using Creative Template Shop proposal templates.”

– faythe

free template

Revamp Your 9 Grid with FREE Social Media Canva Templates

Boost your engagement with 9 FREE Canva templates, designed to increase likes, shares, and comments.

Mockup of Instagram graphics in the 9-Grid Social Media pack, showing how you can customize it

The Creative Community for Small Business Owners

Create deep connections and have real conversations on what matters most to your online business.

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